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YMMV / Hero-U

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  • Good Bad Bugs: It's important to train the Tool Use skill, but how do you find time to practice? Many of the locked doors and cabinets around the castle advance time on a lockpick attempt, but they return you to a menu upon failure, allowing you to continue practicing well past Shawn's mandatory bedtime of 1:00AM. Even better, the secret door to the Sea Caves doesn't advance time on a failed attempt at all, and can be accessed at any time of day.
  • Moral Event Horizon: Sosi is a jerk from day one and never lets up, but leaving Joel for dead in the catacombs and then lying about it puts him beyond redemption. His motives for the act are never stated outright, but a major part of Sosi's character is that he never admits any weakness or fault. It wasn't wrong to run from the wraith, but his pride couldn't tolerate admitting he ran from anything. After this point, he stops showing up in the Rec Room (except for Poobah games), and Shawn cannot even pretend to be nice to him anymore.
    Thomas: Caesari doesn't deserve to be at this school. I don't understand why he wasn't expelled for being the lying coward that he is.
  • The Woobie: Joel Kyro. He starts out as little more than Sosi's henchman, but it isn't long before you start to learn more about him. He's so desperate to make something of himself that he lets himself be completely bossed around by Sosi, even when he comes to realize that it's a bad idea. As a result, Joel is even the one character other than Shawn who can die. The good news is, depending on your actions, you can turn all of it around for him.
