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YMMV / Half Life Residue Processing

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  • That One Level: This chapter takes a huge Genre Shift in the game, being more of a platformer in a first-person shooter game. Due to your weapon arsenal being stripped away, it doesn't have much fighting compared to the levels it's sandwiched between. It's basically a platformer level with a few headcrabs, barnacle tongues, and bullsquids sprinkled here-and-there. Your weapons are taken away; all you have left is a crowbar and all you get in the level are both pistols with one spare magazine each and some satchel charges. It's also possible to just not get the regular pistol if you decide to save the security guard before he runs off and gets eaten by a Barnacle. Needless to say, this makes the enemies and hazards in this level far more irritating than they usually are.
