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YMMV / Crank Yankers

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  • Heartwarming Moments: "Gladys Calls a Psychic" can be seen as this. Of course, the whole point of the phone call was just to waste the psychic's time because her business was an obvious scam. However, Gladys throws the psychic a bone by making up a scenario where all her "readings" turn out to be accurate. Throughout the call, the psychic is audibly ecstatic, believing she correctly guessed the PIN number of a dead person's bank account, as well as thier HBO Go password for good measure.
  • Values Dissonance: While Special Ed was a popular character during the series' original run, he would likely be considered an ableist caricature by today's standards. In fact, that was precisely why he was excluded from the series revival in 2019.
  • What Do You Mean, It's Not for Kids?:
    • On the one hand, puppets. On the other hand, one call had a woman prank a hardware store with an extended conversation about the "big tubes of caulk." Very much not for children. Also Cammie who appears nude or engaged in sexual intercourse almost always.
    • There was also profanity (censored mostly, but still) and other highly adult themes. Definitely in no way for children.
    • Though the thing is Jimmy Kimmel's own kids (Kevin and Katie) who were 10 and 12 respectively also participated in the show having made their own prank calls and they also used profanity, Katie even pretended to be a drunk alcoholic.
    • The 2020 revival has a disclaimer at the beginning of every episode that makes this perfectly clear.
      The following program contains real phone calls. The content is rated TV-MA-L, so no stupid kids allowed. Viewer discretion advised.
