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WMG / Vampire: The Masquerade — Night Road

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Prince Lettow is a Toreador posing as a Gangrel For The Aesthetic.

Instead of being the typical pretty Toreador, Lettow is a Toreador obsessed with outdoors-y and classic aesthetics, and has been posing as a Gangrel ever since he learned Protean and Animalism. He certainly seems more Toreador than Gangrel with the following traits:

  • Him being a minor aristocrat in life being a very unusual choice for a Gangrel Sire to Embrace from, but less strange for a Toreador.

  • Didn't think a normal stake was good enough for the old Ventrue Prince, instead opting for the very dramatic option of impaling him on a sharpened tree fired from a ballista mounted on a car.

  • Would rather take his hundred-year-old, expensive-ass Rolls-Royce cross-country than be caught dead in an SUV.

  • At one point he and Olivecrona dress up like they're going to the opera. The Courier is very confused by this and we are given no explanation.

  • Has an extensive wardrobe on hand just in case anybody happens to need it. Some of the clothing in there is really out there.

  • Also appears to have an extensive wardrobe for his own personal use — even Aila notes that he changes up his clothing style up frequently even while travelling.

  • Conscious of his appearance more than most Princes, as he is noted to wear ribbons and jewellery.

  • Extremely sentimental (also tying into the jewellery), melancholy, and also relatively soft for a Camarilla Prince.

  • A photographer, which is an artistic hobby.

  • Appears to use Auspex in the scene where he sees Aila in you, which is a Discipline native to Toreadors. Although you cannot learn it from Lettow in the Reremouse chapter, he does hint at knowing other Disciplines.

  • If you play a character disguised as another clan, Julian can out you at one point. Lettow isn't at all fazed, offended, or distrustful to a degree that's unusual even if he'd already figured it out before then.

D'Espine is a Volgirre.

D'Espine is well known for sculpting her ghouls and childer into physically perfect specimens. Unless she's using a lot of cosmetic surgery, this isn't amongst the usual Toreador skill set. It is, however, within the realm of possibility for someone using Vicissitude, which the Toreador antitribu line, the Volgirre, do possess. While the Volgirre didn't join the Camarilla until 2011, D'Espine could have defected from the Sabbat some time earlier, passing herself off as a regular Toreador.

  • This is still consistent with v5, as Vicissitude is now an amalgam discipline between Protean and Dominate. D'Espine claims she learned Protean from the Gangrel, but a v5 Volgirre, if they possess Vicissitude, would already have it and would simply have to hide her knowledge of Dominate as well.

Dove knows she's Nictuku.

Her being uglier than usual is a genetic throwback to an ancestor canonically known to be Nictuku. Modian didn't reject her because he somehow thought a Cappadocian waltzed in and Embraced her under his nose - he rejected her because her appearance made her bloodline obvious to other Nosferatu, and he was covering his own ass. Nossies and Nictuku usually kill each other on sight. Given that Lettow knows Dove's ancestors all the way back to Absimilliard, it's almost certain that Dove does too and just prefers to keep it quiet.
