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My Predictions for the Elimination Order in TDR3

  • So far, it's been Duncan and Ezekiel in Egypt, Harold in Japan, Leshawna in Germany, and Lindsay in Paris. Judging from the cues taken from other World Tour fanfics and canon, the story so far, and how the previous story turned out, I predict the elimination order and locations will be:
    • Izzy and DJ in Jamaica (same as canon; Izzy will break up with Owen and then Chris will put Owen on Team Epic with Noah, officially dissolving Team Chris is Really Really Really Really Hot)
    • Owen in London (Alejandro picks out Owen for being Noah's strongest ally while Duncan also returns and cheats on Courtney with Gwen; the affair will allow Noah to break up with Gwen as the higher powers want him to)
    • Gwen and Duncan in Greece (the two leave together; Cody starts to realize he now loves Bridgette, who will have forgiven him in Jamaica after learning Alejandro had been twisting the truth)
    • Tyler in Area 51 (but by then he and Noah will have reconciled over Noah getting Lindsay eliminated and Tyler will have realized Alejandro is the real villain - which gets him eliminated)
    • Courtney in Australia (Alejandro uses her anger over Duncan's affair with Gwen to manipulate her and get her eliminated)
    • Heather in Niagara Falls (Noah will have accepted Heather's alliance offer since he lost Owen, so Alejandro targets her for elimination since he can't get him; Izzy will return and hook up with Noah again)
    • Trent in China (but he and Noah will have reconciled by then, allowing him to return to his original friendly and easygoing personality and leaving Alejandro without any allies)
    • Noah and Izzy in Africa (Noah has to make it far but he won Action in this universe, so he cannot win again; Chris will have them eliminated together without a ceremony, and Noah will head off on his quest to stop The Board)
    • Sierra in Alberta (identical to canon; however, little focus will be given to the last legs of the competition due to Noah's efforts to fulfill the higher powers' demands with Izzy's help)
    • Third place will go to Cody (it will be near-identical to A Codette World Tour, which this fic has lots of scenes and dialogue directly recycled from; he and Bridgette have become a couple now)
    • Finalists: Alejandro and Bridgette (Bridgette wins; Alejandro, Chris, and The Board will all be brutally defeated - the latter two by Noah and Izzy as part of the higher powers' expectations from Noah)
