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WMG / The Oz Effect

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Mr. Oz isn't just Jor-El — he's Jor-El and Pa Kent, fused together.

  • Since his first appearance, he has called Superman "Clark", not Kal-El. Jor-El would have no reason to do this — especially given his disdain for humanity.
  • He mentions having "taught" Clark things. Jor-El hasn't ever taught Clark anything — Jonathan taught him moral lessons and helped him adjust to his powers.
  • Pa Kent died in a car crash post-Reborn, and this would be an ample time for Doctor Manhattan to abduct him and fuse him with Jor-El.
    • But we saw Mr. Oz several times before Superman Reborn!
      • He still died in a car crash in the New 52 too though! In fact, the only New 52 Superman story that's shown to still be canon involves Oz — "The Men of Tomorrow". Coincidentally, Clark's origin concerning the death of the Kents is also intact. Because it needs to be for Oz to exist.
  • Oz carries a scythe, which Jor-El has never used. A scythe is a farming tool — Jonathan has much more reason to be familiar with it.
  • Oz takes a piece of kryptonite from Metallo and is completely fine. It doesn't seem to even slightly affect him. Him being half-human would explain why it wouldn't be hugely affecting, and only take away his powers (which he may or may not still possess).

Mr. Oz will bring Superman to the very brink of the Despair Event Horizon, possibly even forcing Superman to break his one rule.

  • A solicitation for the issue immediately following the arcs' conclusion shows a Superman in despair, struggling to return to normalcy after Jor-El's revelations. The cover depicts Superman holding Mr. Oz's destroyed staff.
  • Jossed

Jor-el took the name "Mr. Oz" from the boy who pushed him over the Despair Event Horizon.

  • It's never explicitly spelled out this is the case, but Aazzim is often nicknamed "Aaz" in the issue in which he appears. He may have taken the name as a backhanded "thank you" to the youth for making him see the darkness.

Mr. Oz was Jor-el, but NOT the Jor-el Superman remembers.

  • The continuation of this arc has Superman going back to just before Krypton's destruction. However in gettin there, he is taken by a time eddy of some sort to what appears to be an alternate Krypton where Jor-el and General Zod are allies. What if it was THAT Jor-el that was taken by Dr. Manhattan and became Mr. Oz?
    • Jossed at the end of Booster Shot. Jor-El's story is confirmed.
