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WMG / The Amazing Spider-Man: Renew Your Vows

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The series will publish its last issue in July, 2018, and it will be issue 21.
Generally speaking, Marvel cancels a series if it sells less than 20,000 units (a unit is an issue) in the US and Canada for four months in a row (first issue sales never factor into this). They announce the cancellation shortly before the publication of the third-last issue of the series, and after that, the three last issues of the series will be published. (This analysis is based on precedent set by short-lived series like Mockingbird, Unstoppable Wasp, Iceman, America, Generation X, Silk, Falcon, and Jean Grey.) Prior to 2018, Renew Your Vows consistently sold over 20,000 units. However, as of April 9, issues 15, 16 and 17 have sold less than 20,000 issues and issue 18 is likely to sell poorly as well. If this happens, then cancellation is likely to be announced shortly before the publication of issue 19, and the final issues will be published in June and July.

  • Jossed by Amazon, whose listing says the series will reach 23 issues, the title will come to an end in September.

Alternative Title(s): Renew Your Vows
