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WMG / Shadows Over Loathing

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You are the Shadowcaster.
Or rather, you from a previous timeline. The Loathing Timeline is one of Eternal Return. Or as Kingdom of Loathing puts it, Time is a Donut. After the universe runs out, a new universe that's mostly the same starts up again, with some variations.
  • The MC from a previous timeline got trapped outside time because they never fixed the Mobius Ring Time Paradox. They live through the rest of time, and then lived past it. This drove them mad, and they became the Eldritch Abomination known as the Shadowcaster; and worked to break back into time and consume it.
    • The Shadowcaster even implies this in a Shadow Run; when the MC uses their powers to take over the Shadowcaster, they just laugh because, in their words, they were always the same person.

Who became each of the leaders in Hobopolis?
So, Ol' Scratch and Frosty aren't likely to have equivalents given they're respectively a demon and a magically animated snowman, but which hoboes became the other three leaders of Hobopolis's districts?
  • Oscus, Very likely to be Walter, as the mention of the stench of fish could very easily translate to him being the leader of the stench aligned district
  • Zombo, Possibly Pepperidge, the fact that he decided to bring his great grandfather's tombstone to the hobo camp would be fitting of being put in charge of the spooky district
  • Chester, Creamy Steve seems like the most likely candidate for the sleaze aligned district, given the element's connection to literal greasiness as well as suggestiveness.
