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WMG / Rubber

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Robert is actually a mass of angry, psychic dinosaur ghosts.
Rubber is made of petroleum, which is made from fossils. Robert is a tire haunted by the ghosts of the dinosaurs the fossils of which became the petroleum used to make Robert. They are angry that they are all jumbled together in a synthetic object, and have psychic head 'splodey. He's obsessed with the female motorist because Humans are delicious.

The film is a message
But a message to who? Grapes are here. They aren't for eating. Wendy is going to want the grapes to be raisins. Why? No ...raisin!
  • Why did they have more than 8 raisins? Why Wendy? That is our message; No reason.
  • Wendy only had seven grapes, Guadalupe has the raisins, and both had the rest of the grapes. Why more raisins from grapes? Why did Guadalupe have raisins and not grapes, but more raisins? How do they know each others' grape/raisin number? No reason is here.

This film actually does have something to say
Disclaimer: I haven't watched the full movie, have no intention of doing so, and there probably would be no point to doing so.
  • This film can be seen as a surreal satire of poorly done horror movies in particular and film in general. In the beginning the tire comes to life for no reason. This is similar to how many horror films and films in general have no real explanation for their premise. This could be what the opening monolog given to the in universe audience is talking about. Things often happen in movies with no in universe explanation. Usually either for stylistic reasons or just because the movie needs it to happen. After coming to life the tire goes on a journey of just aimlessly destroying everything in its path. No motive is given probably because the people staging this entertainment don't care. They seemingly only care about stealing from the in universe audience while they complain about what they're seeing and eachother. This is probably meant to mirror how films are ultimately about making money. The tire then goes through a superficial arc of seeing a woman on a screen and then seemingly becoming obsessed with a woman at a hotel. The tire also meets a young boy who tries to find out more about the tire. This could be meant to reflect on how superficial relationships can be added on to a plot to get us invested (and in the case of the woman for some fan service). The tire then goes on some more killings and the people staging the entertainment try to poison the audience. This could be a metaphor for films trying to end without giving a real resolution because again they don't care. However one audience member refuses the poison and demands a resolution and answers. Thus the entertainers give a rushed resolution by shooting the tire. But the demands of the vocal minority cause a successor to the tire to arise and it raises a multitude of tires. Then they all advance on Hollywood. This is probably a satire on how an audiences' investment in the universe of a film (particularly a horror film) gives rise to a slightly different sequel and then a glut of sequels and spinoff. TLDR: This movie could be a satire on how audiences sometimes want a story out of what filmmakers see as a money making spectacle.

The Tire is actually the possessor ghost from Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire
  • The possessor ghost in that film runs a tricycle down the street.
