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WMG / Knights of the Otherworld

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Scout Huntsman IS Gaston
Or at least, the Ever After version of him.
The one creating the Rogue Advent Decks is Morgan Le Fay.
It could be a version of Morgan who betrayed Merlin since in literature, she’s known to be unpredictable and there have been iterations on the sides of both good and evil.
The riders will gain entirely new super forms.
It’s possible the riders could come into contact with powerful magic besides the literal power of love that could give them super forms beyond that of Survive Form.
The Heroes will gain their own version of the Black Knights.
Dexter & Humphrey will use the salvaged Black Knight head Dexter found to reverse engineer the technology to create the Alternative Knights the footsoldiers of the new Camalot.
Darling will become Gwen’s squire.
The knights keep collecting rogue Advent and blank Advent decks. Darling has already wielded Femme’s deck so it’s only a matter of time before she gains her own.
Arthur will need to take up Excalibur.
Arthur isn't interested in fulfilling his destiny of becoming the next king of Camelot but there's a chance he may need to wield Excalibur in the final battle.
The CEO is planning to sell the Rogue Decks to the highest bidder.
The creator of the Rogue Decks plans to sell the final products either in specialized auctions or on the black market.
