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WMG / Doctor Who S39 E3: "Flux Chapter Three: Once, Upon Time"

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The Grand Serpent is...
  • Swarm's Master. The name sounds like an allusion to Satan and Swarm gives a take on a line from Paradise Lost.
    • Jossed: Swarm and the Grand Serpent are acting independently of each other. Swarm is working for Time.

The old woman who told the Doctor that she was responsible for the Flux is Tecteun.
  • Not likely, given she is credited as "Awsok".
    • Shockingly, confirmed.

Vinder and Bel are the Doctor's biological parents.
  • Bel was pregnant with the Timeless Child (the Doctor) on her mission.
    • Given that the Timeless Child was stated to originate from another dimension or universe, this seems pretty unlikely at the moment.
      • During the Doctor's confrontation with Tecteun, the Doctor tells Tecteun that she knows nothing of the child's circumstances and therefore it wasn't right for Tecteun to have taken the child with her - Tecteun (like the audience) assumed the child came through the wormhole, but the child could have been waiting to be taken through, or their carers were taken away by the wormhole. The last two statements give leeway to the Timeless Child and her native realm originating in N-Space.
    • It appears that the old woman is on a different plane of existence. It is possible that she takes their child, evolves her and send her back to ensure the correct sequence of events leading to the Flux, a long game type of thing. If the old woman sends the pre!Doctor from her plane of existence to be found then that would make the Doctor from "another" dimension.
  • Bel and Vinder both seemed genuinely afraid of dying. If their species were naturally able to regenerate indefinitely, would they have such fear?
    • Just because the Timeless Child could regenerate (seemingly indefinitely and naturally) doesn't mean all of her species could.
    • Regeneration could be as painful for the Timeless species as it is for a Time Lord, so it is not something to look forward to.
    • Just as there are things that can kill a Time Lord past the point of regeneration, there could be things that would kill a Timeless past the point of regeneration, which the Flux events definitely look the part.
  • Seemingly jossed - Flux ends with no indication that Bel is about to give birth to the Timeless Child.

Gat and "Lee" were the other two members of the Division at the Siege of Atropos
  • It's not clear where in the Fugitive Doctor's timeline the Siege of Atropos is meant to take place. If it's before she settled on Earth as "Ruth Clayton" with "Lee", then he could have accompanied her along with Gat. It would make the dynamic between the three more interesting if Gat turned against them after having been through such an important event together.
