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Tropers / Sinfire Titan

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Describe Sinfire Titan here.

...Well, that is what I am good at.

The brief version is I'm just another soul caught by this damn Wiki.

The longer version?

The internet became my second home when I began playing Magic The Gathering. Waaaaaaaaaay back when, I didn't even know this Wiki existed. I was a typical n00b, didn't do anything useful with my time, and spammed the message boards as much as I could. I switched between screen names for no reason at all, becoming a different character for each one. Eventually, I found a handle I like: Sinfire Titan.

Two years after finding the net, I joined Deviant Art for the sake of their Complaints Forum. A year after that, I abandoned it for D&D.

Sometime during my fledgling Dn D career, I was introduced to the Character Optimization Boards. My screen name became one of the major contributors to the Min-Maxing community. I became engrossed with number crunching, character combinations, and theoretical optimization.

I stumbled across my favorite book during this time, and wrote my first major optimization handbook: The Guide to Incarnum. In doing so, I opened up the road for a small gathering of allies who also had interest in that very book.

During this time, I became a fan of Red VS Blue, Order Of The Stick, Dr Mc Ninja, LFG, and 8-bit Theater.

One day, I clicked a link. And here I am, editing my own page.

An avid fan of Warhammer Fantasy, and a follower of Change (Tzeentch!). I was named after Kris Kristopherson, as my parents are pool junkies.
