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Tropers / Malus

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I'm an aspiring author/video game developer and learned sketch... maker (I don't feel right calling myself an artist). I'm something of a fan of messing with my audience though I don't really have one yet. I base my stories in a future version of the world where magic has cropped back up as a result of the End. Has made a defined set of world rules and most of my stories are about rare instances when those rules are broken. I'm a fan of zombies and have been known to some as Hungry 4 Brains.

Every time I read through this site I end up incorporating good ideas and re-imagining older ideas, generally improving my work. I hope to eventually produce some works to be featured here on our beloved wiki, but that's a long time off.

My name translates to "Wicked" from latin, though I didn't know that when I "made it up". I just tweaked a few letters of my own name and oddly found the real meaning of the word applicable to my Author Avatar who I'd chosen it for in the first place.

This troper is not to be confused with Malchus.
