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Tropers / Floater

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Floater@ ssh Floater@tropes
ssh: Warning: permanently added Your Brain to the list of Known Users With Their Vocabularies Ruined By TV Tropes
Floater@ cd /tropes/users/Floater
cd: No such directory

In case you couldn't tell from the screenshot above, I'm on the side of nano in the eternal Text Editor Wars of however long they've been going on for.

My username, Floater, comes from XCOM: Enemy Unknown. I'm an American, from the Eleventh State and I have been on this site for several years, although this handle was created in October 2023. In terms of coding proficiency, I know PHP, Python, JavaScript, TypeScript, Java, SQL, Ruby, and am currently dabbling in Crystal (if you don't know what any of those mean, good, you haven't fallen down the Geek rabbit hole as much as other people have.) I am currently pursuing a degree in cognitive science. I have always regretted that I never managed to visit the site before 2017, but on the other hand, it's not worth spending so much time wasting over what could have been.

You may know me as the unintentional Site Breaker, as "that guy who knows PHP and cool stuff", as "that guy who figured out how to use emoticons on Ask The Tropers", or as... yes, formerly ~SilverCrown. I enjoy finding cool things to do on the site, running my own custom stylesheets and fonts to see what looks cool (PM me if you want to see what the site looks like from my POV), chipping in with help whenever it's needed, and programming cool things. On my old account, I inspired several site features, helped the admins fix a bug in production (my proudest moment) and discovered a glitch that allowed for the creation of custom thread IDs (which may or may not still work - I won't try it out unless the mods give me the nod).

I do not have any major active social media accounts, except for Discord and a few minor services (and of course, TV Tropes itself). I am proud to say that even after four five years of being badgered by my phone, I have continually refused to join or interact with TikTok. Without going into too much information about my age, that makes me the odd-one-out among my demographic.
