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Trivia / Phasmophobia

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  • Urban Legend of Zelda: Thanks to a lack of in-game explanations, vague patch notes and general bugginess, there's a number of these floating around online. Usually they're unconfirmed yet arguably plausible ways to instigate ghost activity, what will keep you safe from harm and what will put you in danger, what certain ghosts can and can't do, etc.
    • Salt in game was long thought to have protective properties due to wording the ghost journal regarding the item and Wraiths, as well as real world paranormal beliefs. As it turns out after repeated testing in game, salt is simply used as a tracking method, it makes footprints show up in UV light which can show where the ghost is, the footsteps are very loud, and the footprints are a photo opportunity. Salt can also be an objective on the board. In regards to Wraiths, a Wraith that steps in salt will do more Ghost Activities.
    • The Crucifix was thought to stop a hunt in progress as a last ditch defense should a ghost find an investigator, it was also thought to require the investigator to place the crucifix down in the room to get it to work. The reality was that a crucifix prevents a hunt from starting in the first place when the game checks to see if the ghost will begin a hunt, but finds its starting manifestation point is within the crucifix's area of effect. In turn, the crucifix's area of effect is only active when placed on the map or is currently held in an investigator's hand when the check occurs.
  • What Could Have Been: Kinetic Games had at one point planned to add a mansion, an apartment block and sewers as locations, but later scrapped these concepts.
