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Trivia / Chimps On A Blimp

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  • Real Song Theme Tune: The title theme is a tongue-in-cheek cover of Cat's in the Cradle with most nouns replaced with "Chimp" or "Blimp".
  • The game was inspired by the Hindenburg disaster – an airship accident that occured in 1937, in which a passenger zeppelin caught fire and crashed during landing in New Jersey. The event itself is referenced in the game twice: the year written on the title card is 1937, and the post-credits scene shows the eponymous blimp catching on fire. Both are Played for Laughs.
  • The time periods that Red Baron and Amelia Earhart appear in all take place at least two years after their real life counterparts' death in real life. Red Baron died in 1918, while being depicted in The Roaring '20s, and Amelia went missing in 1937, while being depicted in 1940.
