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Trivia / A Soldier's Story

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  • Throw It In!: Sgt. Waters' pre-mortem Madness Mantra, "They still hate you," was ad-libbed by actor Adolph Caesar during rehearsals. According to an interview, he related to Caesar's frustrations in his failures to assimilate, after being repeatedly discriminated against by casting directors.
Caesar: A painful experience of my own led me to Waters.... I’d studied Shakespeare to death. I knew more about Shakespeare than Shakespeare knew about himself.... After I did one season at a Shakespearean repertory company, a director said to me, ‘You have a marvelous voice. You know the king’s English well. You speak iambic pentameter. My suggestion is that you go to New York and get a good colored role.’ Waters has tried his best, but no matter what you do, they still hate you.
