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Tear Jerker / Rogue Diamond

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You'd better get those kleenex ready, because this comic doesn't hold back its punches.

  • Luna's fate. Despite being free of her Nightmare Moon persona, and treating both her citizens and her sister with love and respect, Celestia grows paranoid she is still under the corruption and is secretly plotting to overthrow her again. When she floods the world to remind its citizens who their rightful ruler is, Luna goes to confront her and try to talk her out of her insanity, only to be met with violence and imprisoned in a small crate and sent to the deepest reaches of the ocean. And this all happens in the prologue!
  • Just the general state of Equestria after the Time Skip. Most of the land is submerged, what little land there is comes from mountain tops and high ground, giving its population nothing but small islands to live off. Artificial land has been built to help provide for the homeless, but these are shoddy at best and don't often stay up, almost making the effort entirely pointless. Needless to say, anyone familiar with the main canon would not feel at home here.
  • Spike has not seen Twilight since she was sent to Ponyville to make some friends in preparation for Nightmare Moon's return. Unlike the original plot, Spike never went with her at the command of Celestia. Since then, he constantly thinks about her and wishes things had been different.
