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Tearjerker / National Park Girls

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  • Near the end of Happy Trails, Eve and the others manage to find Yellowstone, who had angrily run off, both from feeling like all the work she does at the cabin isn't appreciated and from Eve refusing to just stay with her to help out people there due to her own responsibilities, and nearly caused the super volcano to erupt because of it, crying in a clearing. She starts berating herself, saying stuff like 'everyone's so smart nice and responsible, but she isn't', 'just a stupid crybaby who can't even do chores without screwing up', and feeling like they'd all be happier if she weren't around. Zion sits next to and comforts her, telling her Don't you dare say that about yourself. Yellowstone brings up the laundry that she also ended up burning, but Zion tells her Who cares about those old clothes! I was afraid that I wouldn't get to thank you for all the nice things you do for us. Yellowstone then starts crying harder while Zion stays with and embraces her until she calms down, and they eventually return to the cabin.
  • In Daughter of Zion, Yosemite's massive breakdown during the picnic, where she tries to get Zion to remember anything of who she was in the past. Poor Zion can do nothing but be terrified as her mother figure yells at her to remember something she doesn't know, and Yellowstone has to be the one to put a stop to it.
    Yosemite: Then tell me what you remember! TELL ME HOW YOU FEEL!
    Zion: SCARED!
  • At the end of Eternal Evergreen Part 1, Jessie reveals to Eve that Pup wandered into a camp site and bit a young camper, causing her to lose three fingers, and also reprimanding her for going against her orders to not keep it at the cabin. And at the start of Eternal Evergreen Part 2, Eve, having drove far away with both Pup and a shotgun, has to tearfully put him down because of what happened, the guilt of this and causing the girl's maiming in the first place makes her quit and decide to head out to Death Valley for the rest of her life.
