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Tear Jerker / The White Vault

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  • Karina's final solo recording, when she tearfully says goodbye to Rolf, saying she's sorry for not coming home, and wishes him nothing but happiness.
  • Simon's log in Season 4, written while he is trapped alone and injured in a blocked cave, with the other surviving members of his group stuck behind a stone door. He goes from the stark reality of calculating how long he can survive with the food he has to apologizing to his loved ones for leaving them.
  • Despite the short time they had together, Graham is clearly and dramatically shaken by Rosa's death, to the point that he endangers the rescue group by lingering by her corpse.
  • Although she believes she is making the right decision, the Documentarian is broken by her decision to send Graham, a man who trusted her, to his death in the vault. Once she's out of the call with him, the normally stoic woman bursts into sobs.
  • Dragana breaking down after Graham is taken into the vault to die in the penultimate episode of Season 5, and again when she reunites with the weather station survivors and tells them it's just her.
  • Much like Karina, Josefa leaves a final letter to her husband, wishing him to find the happiness in life.
  • Before Graham enters the tunnels at Outpost Fristed for the last time, he records a video message for Dragana, asking her to look after his daughter Irina, followed by a message for Irina herself where he gives her as much fatherly advice and encouragement as he can think of. Dragana does not hear it until after Graham's death, and is in tears after hearing it.
  • After going over the records of Franco's transformation in Illuka, Amelia discusses the powerlessness she and the rest of the crew felt in being unable to save him from what they thought at the time was a strange illness. One recording (which they skip) includes "twelve minutes of [her] crying and cleaning up the lab."
  • The spinoff miniseries Avrum follows the title character, a young Jewish teenager living in Ukraine in the mid 1600's, fleeing for his life after his family and entire community are massacred by Cossacks. He attempts to reach anywhere he's familiar with, only for city after city to have already been sacked by the time he arrives.
