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Tear Jerker / The Mortuary Assistant

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The game follows a tormented young woman whom a demon is trying to drive insane. Naturally, The Mortuary Assistant is full of tear-jerking and sad moments.

  • The game gives the player a lot to fear, from the perspective of both the adult and the child.
    • From the adult standpoint, there is Rebecca's father. He clearly has had some trouble in his past with sobriety, although he finally managed to get his act together for at least five years. And then his child begins to suffer addiction. He's desperate to try and find her, and when he finally gets to her to get some help, there's a terrible accident, and he is killed.
    • From the child's perspective, Rebecca witnesses her father's death while high as a kite. She's completely devastated even ten years after his passing, and is easily reduced to a sobbing wreck when the demon confronts her with images of her dead father. She is clearly suffering from You Should Have Died Instead and believes herself unworthy of life since her father lost his.
    You threw away his love with your selfish sin. In his final moments, he regretted you.
  • In the demon's visions, Rebecca gets a chance to confront her drug-addicted late mother, and gets the chance to tell her off. The mother simply shrugs and cuts Rebecca with one sentence.
    Rebecca: You stupid bitch...!
    Mom: Hate me all you want. You're the reason he's gone.
  • When Rebecca is doing her job, the corpse she's enbalming will sometimes turn into her father, who will sit up and talk to her.
  • Some of the delusions, while undoubtedly horrifying, are also awful enough to leave poor Rebecca in tears, especially the ones involving her father.
  • Raymond Delver is waging a one-man crusade against demons for decades. He's clearly tired and weary of the battle. When Rebecca angrily confronts him over using a live possessed person's blood to destroy the demon, he doesn't even try to justify his actions, as he knows what he's doing is horrible, but he has no choice if he has to continue battling the demonic forces. He outright calls himself a monster for what he's done.
