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Tear Jerker / Mr. Smith Goes to Washington

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  • Jefferson Smith when he first finds out the Senator Paine, his idol and father's closest friend, was working for Taylor.
  • Smith breaking down at the Lincoln Memorial after being publicly accused of corruption by the man he admired as a child.
    • It really says something when Smith out of all people is doing a Heroic B So D, he was very optimistic and just wanted to set up a boys' camp, but Jim Taylor had other plans. Then things went downhill from there, Smith found out his idol was working for Taylor and that the system was corrupt, he got framed by Paine when he tried to expose Taylor's dam scheme —complete with fake documents and evidence fake signatures and everything, and he nearly got expelled from the Senate, and lost all of his fans and supporters including the Boy Rangers. Now that is the face of a broken man.
  • It's not as extreme as Smith's case, but Senator Paine can be seen as this as well, depending on how you look at it.
    • He used to be a crusading reformer like Smith's father, Clayton Smith, but at some point, in the past he had to sell out to the Taylor machine. He's shown several times that he wasn't happy working for Taylor or harming Smith, and was working against his will. He lost his initial zest and is now he's a jaded shell of his former heroic self all he can do is think back to who he used to be, while all he can do now, is work under Taylor's orders, since he's the one who put Paine in his position.
    • Eventually it got so bad that Paine tried to commit suicide when Smith collapsed and couldn't clear his case anymore.
    • And when that doesn't work, he immediately confessed to the chamber that everything Smith stated was true. You want proof he doesn't want to see Smith get hurt? There you go.
