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Tear Jerker / Mary Reilly

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  • The death of Mary's mother. Her body is left in a wardrobe downstairs because there's such demand for a vacant room. Her belongings were all sold to cover her unpaid rent costs, and Mary is given the leftover change.
    "Poor wages for a lifetime of drudgery."
  • At the funeral, Mary comes face to face with her father. In contrast to the cruel way he treated her as a child, he looks like he wants to make amends with her (perhaps having a Heel Realization when Mary was gone). Mary of course will have none of this and runs away, while he calls after her "I'm your father!"
  • Overall the film does not hold back with how grim things could be for the lower classes in Victorian times. There's the story of a kitchen maid who was regularly raped by the master only to be gotten rid of when she fell pregnant, the above-mentioned fate of Mary's mother, the dismissive way she is treated by everyone except Jekyll and how empty their lives are outside of their work.
