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At least a millenia ago (~1000 BBY)

Scourge of Malachor

  • The Presence settles on Malachor V to create a Sith Temple there. She is later joined by other Sith.
  • The Presence creates a petrification superweapon in the temple, which is to be powered by her holocron, which contains a kyber crystal to power both the holocron and the superweapon. It is not the Mass Shadow Generator, and there is no indication that Revan ordered Bao-Dur to create it to massacre the Mandalorians to end the Mandalorian Wars. There is no indication that Revan, Meetra, Bao-Dur, or Mandalorians were involved.
  • The Jedi Order finds out about the Malachor superweapon, but in the battle, the Presence activates the weapon, petrifying everyone in the vicinity.

Before 1032 BBY

  • The Great Galactic War (possibly the same as the New Sith Wars/the Jedi-Sith war?) between the Old Republic and the Sith Empire seems to come to a diplomatic end on Alderaan... while actually meeting an end with a surprise attack on the capital world, in an event deemed the Sacking of Coruscant.
  • Shae Vizsla deactivates the defense grid of Coruscant, allowing Darth Malgus and his men to attack the surface of Coruscant and the Jedi Temple. Supreme Chancellor Berooken, many high-ranking Jedi, and civilians are killed, and the Temple is reduced to rubble. Coruscant is locked down by the Sith and held as a hostage for the negotiations on Alderaan for two days.
  • After the Jedi Temple is massacred, Shae Vizsla takes the Darksaber from the Jedi Temple on Coruscant before leaving.
  • The Republic is forced to agree to the Treaty of Coruscant. The Sith Empire annexs almost two-thirds of the known galaxy. The Cold War begins.
  • The Jedi return to Tython, and Sith Emperor Vitiate puts his Dark Council in charge of everyday tasks for the Empire. The Sith are in control of Coruscant.
  • After about a decade since the Treaty was signed, the Treaty is broken.
  • At some point, the Liberation of Coruscant is carried out by the Jedi/Old Republic, freeing the world from Imperial occupation and turning the tide of the galaxy once again.
  • ???
  • Darth Bane is the sole survivor of the Seventh Battle of Ruusan, the battle that ended the New Sith Wars/Jedi-Sith War. He comes across a Force-sensitive girl named Raine, who renames herself to Zannah—Darth Zannah. He takes her in as his apprentice.

738 BBY

  • The Mandalorian Excision occurs.

509 BBY

  • Yaddle is born.

92 BBY

  • Qui-Gon Jinn is born.
  • Tahl is born on Noori.

60 BBY

  • Around this time, a Mandalorian Civil War began.

57 BBY

  • Obi-Wan Kenobi is born on Stewjon.
  • Bruck Chun is born on Telos IV.

55 BBY

  • Siri Tachi is born.

48 BBY

  • Aayla Secura is born on Ryloth.

44 BBY

  • Ferus Olin is born.
  • Around this time, the Great Clan Wars begin in Mandalorian Space.

46 BBY

  • Aayla is discovered by Padawan Quinlan Vos.

44 BBY

  • Garazeb Orrelios is born on Lasan.

40 BBY

  • Barriss Offee is born on a starliner.

38 BBY

  • Aayla is taken as Vos's Padawan.

36 BBY

  • Ahsoka Tano is born on Shili.

34 BBY

  • Tallisibeth Enwandung-Esterhazy is born on Vorzyd V.

33 BBY

  • Kanan Jarrus is born on Coruscant.

29 BBY

  • Around this time, Hera Syndulla is born on Ryloth.

27 BBY

  • Around this time, Numa Bril is born on Ryloth.

26 BBY

  • Yaddle dies on a mission to Mawan while stopping a chemical weapon from going off.

24 BBY

  • Barriss builds her first lightsaber.

21 BBY

20 BBY

  • Jyn Erso is born on Vallt.
  • Sabine Wren is born.

19 BBY

  • Ciena Ree is born on Jelucan. Her twin sister, Wynnet, is born as well but dies shortly after.
  • Jude Edivon is born.
  • Death Watch tries to take the Gauntlet of Kressh the Younger from Draay 2, but are stopped by a Clone Trooper taskforce led by Jedi General B'ink Utrila and Jedi Commander/Padawan Rennax Omani. Clone Trooper Glitch is left behind on Draay 2 and the Gauntlet is lost. Rennax chooses to leave the Jedi Order.
  • Maul & Savage join Death Watch and form the Shadow Collective by allying them with criminal syndicates. Mandalore is taken over by Shadow Collective, but Pre Vizsla is killed, Bo-Katan and her loyalists split off, Duchess Satine Kryze is killed, and Almec is set up as puppet leader. Obi-Wan is summoned to Mandalore by Satine prior to her death, but flees back to Coruscant later that night to alert the Republic. Palpatine secretly arrives on Mandalore, killing Savage and taking Maul prisoner.
  • The Jedi Temple hangar on Coruscant is bombed, killing a few Jedi. Barriss frames Ahsoka for having set up the people involved, but after a couple of days of going on the run in the Underworld and having been stripped of her rank, Ahsoka is brought to court. Anakin incapacitates Barriss and gets her to confess at Ahsoka's testimony. Barriss is arrested and Ahsoka is offered to return to the Jedi Order as a Knight, but rejects it and leaves.
  • Clone Trooper Tup's Order 66 chip fails during the Battle of Ringo Vinda, accidentally killing Jedi Master Tiplar. After a brief struggle to keep Tup away from Separatists, Tup is delivered to Kamino to be diagnosed, with Fives accompanying him. Fives discovers a conspiracy regarding the chips and removes both of theirs, but Tup dies shortly after. Fives is attempted to be put into custody and is purposely made to be misunderstood by Palpatine's co-conspirators, causing him to go on the run in both Kamino (where he was initially understood) and the Coruscant Underworld. Commander Fox kills Fives before he can explain the chip to Anakin & Rex. The conspiracy is covered up as an isolated incident regarding a parasite shared between Fives and Tup when they shared water canisters.
  • Padme travels to Scipio to deal with the Banking Clan. Clovis explains to her that the bank actually has no money, urging her to uncover the conspiracy. Teckla Minnau is killed in an assassination attempt and Anakin is summoned to help Padme. After evading Embo, the Battle of Scipio occurs, resulting in the death of Clovis. Palpatine is given control of the banks.
  • The Jar Jar & Mace Windu arc.
  • After being contacted by Qui-Gon Jinn through the Force, Yoda follows his urging to learn how to become a Force ghost at the Wellspring of Life and Korriban. The Jedi Order dismiss Yoda's claims as going delusional and attempt to confine him to the medical bay, but fail when Anakin helps him leave and lets Artoo accompany him. Yoda returns to the Jedi Temple and does not disclose his experience.
  • Gar Saxon & Rook Kast free Maul from imprisonment in Stygeon Prime under orders of Almec. The Battle of Zanbar led by Grievous against Maul ensues in an attempt to recapture Maul, but Maul and his forces flee after a number of men are loss. The Battle of Ord Mantell is set up to capture Dooku and Grievous, which succeeds. Their gathering at Vizsla Keep 09 is briefly attacked by an assault team led by Obi-Wan, Aayla, Mace Windu, and Tiplee, but Dooku & Maul flee and Tiplee is killed. On Dathomir, Talzin takes over Dooku, but is driven out by Palpatine and is Killed Off for Real while Dooku lives. Kast and another supercommando force Maul to flee.
  • Dark Disciple
  • In the Second Battle of Christophsis, Ventress and Akar-Deshu die. Ventress's body is returned to Dathomir by Obi-Wan and Vos.
  • Seeking to close their rivalry through his son, Cad Bane fights Boba Fett, who takes the place of Jango. After journeying to Tatooine, the two duel while other bounty hunters witness, resulting in Boba winning.
  • The Jedi Temple is bombed by Separatist Generals Rackham and Coburn Sear. Rackham commits suicide.
  • Caleb Dume becomes the newly-awakened Jedi Master Depa Billaba's Padawan.
  • Billaba's forces briefly encounter Separatists on Kardoa, leading to the Third Battle of Mygeeto. When her forces get outnumbered by Separatists, Skull Squadron led by Fenn Rau is summoned as aerial reinforcements.

The end of the Clone Wars

  • Roron Corobb, Foul Moudama, Shaak Ti, B'ink Utrila, Stass Allie, and Roth-Del Masona attempt to rush Palpatine to his bunker at the beginning of the Battle of Coruscant. All except Shaak Ti and Stass Allie are killed during the attempt thanks to General Grievous. Grievous kidnaps Palpatine and takes him to the Invisible Hand above Coruscant.
  • Anakin & Obi-Wan go on a mission to Nelvaan. Anakin liberates the now-mutated male Nelvaanians from the local Separatists and reunites them with their families, but experiences a symbolic vision foreshadowing his turn into Darth Vader.
  • Anakin & Obi-Wan are to be deployed to the Siege of Mandalore, but are recalled back to Coruscant to save the Chancellor instead. Ahsoka instead is sent in their steed and is given command of part of the 501st, deemed the 332nd, along with Rex.
  • Anakin & Obi-Wan succeed in rescuing Palpatine, and Dooku is killed.
  • Obi-Wan reports the battle to the Jedi Order while Anakin reports to the senate. Anakin reunites with Padme and learns that she is pregnant. Later the day, Obi-Wan and Anakin bid farewell, hoping to meet each other again when the war is over, as Obi-Wan is deployed to Utapau to kill Grievous. Yoda, Luminara, and Vos are also deployed to Kashyyyk.
  • Later that night, Anakin has a vision of Padme dying in childbirth. The next day, Palpatine invites Anakin to a performance and tempts him into joining the Dark side by telling him the Tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise—Sith can hold the power of life.
  • Anakin reports Palpatine to Mace Windu the next day. Later, Mace, Saesee Tiin, Kit Fisto, and Agen Kolar confront Palpatine in his office, but are killed. Anakin killing Mace himself before he can kill Palpatine results in Anakin completely falling. Palpatine dubs Anakin, "Darth Vader", and gives out Order 66.
  • Vader and the 501st march to the Jedi Temple during Order 66, killing several Jedi, including Bene, Whie, the Jedi Temple Guards, younglings, and many more. Jocasta Nu and the Sentinel are the only known survivors.
  • Plo Koon is shot down at Cato Neimoidia during Order 66.
  • Stass Allie dies in a speederbike accident at Saleucami during Order 66.
  • Aayla Secura is shot to death on Felucia during Order 66.
  • Shaak Ti survives Order 66, but dies later at an unspecified time.
  • Luminara Unduli survives Order 66.
  • In the last few days of the war, Separatists were about to win in the Battle of Lokori until they are given the shutdown command from Mustafar.
  • Hours before Order 66 is given, Billaba's forces fight in the Battle of Kaller against General Kleeve's Separatists, achieving victory. Later that night on Kaller, Order 66 is activated, resulting in Billaba's death and Caleb going into hiding after attempting to return to Coruscant. Caleb is taken in by Janus Kasmir for the next few months. Kleeve goes into hiding as a criminal, becoming an ally of Janus months later as well.
  • After allying with Bo-Katan's faction, Ahsoka holocalls the Jedi Order and is given permission to name Bo-Katan as provisional leader of Mandalore. Towards the end of the Siege, Maul is cornered in Sundari. However, upon the activation of Order 66, Ahsoka and Rex are forced to flee for their lives before they can finish Maul. Maul is left behind, but somehow escapes. Ahsoka leaves behind her lightsabers and Rex leaves behind his armor in a false makeshift grave to make it appear as if the two had mutually killed each other. Ahsoka & Rex part ways and leave Mandalore. The fate of Rook Kast and Almec are currently unknown, but it can be assumed the two were removed from power.
  • Obi-Wan and Boga survive the fall after being shot down by the 212st on Utapau after killing Grievous.
  • Later that day, Vader travels to Mustafar and kills the Separatist leaders, as well as sending out the shutdown command to the Separatist Droid Army. Palpatine speaks to the Senate and declares the birth of the Empire.
  • On the same day as Empire Day, Ezra Bridger is born on Lothal, and Thane Kyrell is born on Jelucan.
  • A few months ago before Empire Day, Jai Kell was born on Lothal, Zare Leonis was born on Uquine, Nazhros Oleg was born, and Pandak Symes were born.
  • The next day, Obi-Wan & Yoda secretly return to Coruscant and the Jedi Temple, and learn Anakin has fallen. Yoda resolves to fight Palpatine, while Padme (unknowingly accompanied by Obi-Wan) travels to Mustafar to confront Vader. Padme is unable to convince Vader to turn back and is subsequently crippled. Obi-Wan fights and defeats Vader, leaving him for dead. After Obi-Wan & Padme leave, Palpatine takes Vader to be cyborg-ized.
  • Into the early hours of the next day, Padme gives birth to Luke and Leia in medical facility on Polis Massa & passes away. Later, Bail, Obi-Wan, and Yoda agree to split the twins, Leia to Bail & Luke to Obi-Wan. Yoda tells Obi-Wan that Qui-Gon taught him how to become a Force ghost and he will pass that knowledge to Obi-Wan before he goes into exile on Dagobah. Yoda goes into self-exile on Dagobah, Obi-Wan gives Luke to Owen & Beru, and Bail introduces Leia to Breha.
  • Vader's procedure is completed and he learns that he killed Padme & their unborn child.

The aftermath

  • Jedi lightsabers are burnt and destroyed by the Empire.
  • Palpatine sends Vader to find a new kyber crystal to bleed. Vader ransacks a Jedi outpost for information and discovers Jedi Master Kirak Infil'a has taken Barash vow to survive Order 66. Vader kills Kirak and a city on Aldo'leem. Vader is sent to a cave vergent in Dark side on Mustafar to bleed his crystal.
  • The Sentinel has become the Grand Inquisitor. Jocasta is revealed to have survived Order 66 and is to be killed before she can pass on knowledge of the Jedi.
  • The Grand Inquisitor captures and kills Luminara between now and sometime in the future before his death.
  • A puppet leader prime minister is put up on Mandalore. Bo-Katan loses her power as leader, and Lorka Gedyc becomes new leader of Death Watch, allying the group with the new local Imperial garrison. However, Gar Saxon eventually rises to power at some point.

18 BBY
