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Sandbox / Broken Base Supernatural

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  • The Psychology Club vs. Action, Monsters, and Rock Salt vs. The Hardy Boys with Hotties.
  • Sam!Girls vs. Dean!Girls vs. Bi!Bro. Castiel!girls are now starting to get into the mix as well.
  • In addition to arguing over who's the best/hottest character, there also are fans, at any given time, arguing over who the show shoves into the background and who takes up all the spotlight: Samnote , Dean, or Castiel?
  • Monsters Of The Week vs. The Destiny/Self-Worth Arcs.
  • Fans are split over whether the best era of the show is Seasons 1-3 with arguably stronger Monster of the Week episodes, or Seasons 4-5 with the Apocalypse arc and the introduction of Castiel. Many feel the show dropped in quality after Season 5 and the departure of Eric Kripke, but then again, the fandom is split between those who still enjoy it and those who want the show to be cancelled.
  • More broadly fought are the Showrunner Wars: Eric Kripke vs. Sera Gamble. With Jeremy Carver stepping up as the new showrunner, it's bound to only get worse.
  • Destiel (Dean/Castiel) vs. Wincest (Sam/Dean). Destiel has become a base breaker itself lately, even among those who ship it. Mostly because of those who wear their Shipping Goggles too tight.
  • "Yay, guest stars!" vs. "Kill everyone who isn't Sam'n'Dean and make it especially brutal if they could possibly become a Love Interest."
  • Following "Everybody Hates Hitler," Canon Bi/Gay!Dean vs. Canon Straight!Dean
  • The whole Sam v. Dean business in general. Due to their Odd Couple personalities, many fans are going to identify with one brother more than the other, but anytime they fight, it turns into one brother being a put-upon selfless martyr who is continually victimized by the other brother's heartless treatment.
    • The Season 9 conflict: Did Dean essentially rape Sam by forcing a possession onto him without his consent, and Sam can't ever trust him again? Or did Dean selflessly and lovingly do what he had to do to save Sam's life, and should now disown Sam for his far worse and more abusive retaliatory speeches? Or, are you in the middle, think both brothers have a case right now, but that they're both acting like teenagers?
  • After the Backdoor Pilot for the spin-off "Supernatural: Bloodlines" aired, there's a division between those who think it has potential and interesting characters and those who think it's full of clichés, has another Stuffed in the Fridge set-up, and shatters the show's canon (having shapeshifters who magically shapeshift and live in a lavish house instead of peeling off their skin and living in sewers.) Though it's a bit of a moot point after the poor reception got the show dropped.
