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Recap / Time Squad S 01 Ep 15 Killing Time

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The Time Squad arrives in Poland, circa 1520, where Nicolaus Copernicus is seen farming. Tuddrussel starts listing off the physical traits of Copernicus to find him, and Otto spots him immediately. Otto goes up to him and tells him that he is supposed to be an astronomer and that he discovers that the Earth revolves around the Sun. Copernicus is amazed, thinking that "that's pretty major!" and says he will get right on that. He goes into his house, and Larry declares the mission accomplished. The team is ready to go back, but Larry's equipment fizzles and he says they can't return yet because his time transporter software crashed. The team then has to wait 3 minutes for it to reboot.

The team is left in an awkward silence, with each character trying to make small talk to pass the time. Medieval Poland proves to be a quiet and dull place, making the wait even more boring. Larry finally starts to program his equipment to return, and the team leaves. Once everyone is gone, Copernicus suddenly comes running back, asking what the Sun is.

Tropes present in this episode include:

  • Crapsack World: Medival Poland is nothing but peasants farming twigs and dirt.
  • Empathic Environment: In this universe, Poland's sky is reminiscent of Mordor and has such dense, yellow and gray cloud coverage that Copernicus has apparently never seen the sun.
  • Here We Go Again!: Implied in the closing seconds: "WAIT! HEY, HEY! I FORGOT TO ASK! WHAT IS THE SUN?"
