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Recap / The Body Reflects the Heart, the Shadow Reflects the Soul Chapter 27

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A Night of Fools

Kenzo, Shen, and Arisu meet in the alleyway across from Shujin. Kenzo summons his Personas, explaining the power of the Wild Card before peeking around the corner. Kenzo then advises his friends to use their senses when he notices a few Lesser Shadows. He informs Shen and Arisu, the latter deciding to use her rifle at a Shadow. She misses and draws the Shadows' attention, but Kenzo tells her to keep firing, and she manages to wound two of them. Kenzo and Shen confront the enemies, and with Arisu's aid, they defeat them. The trio proceeds onward behind the school to find another Shadow group.

The teens get into position and launch their surprise attack, eliminating the Lesser Shadows before moving on to the Greater Shadows and weakening them. Performing a Hold-Up, Kenzo successfully negotiates with the fairy, who remembers her name as Pixie and becomes a Persona, while the other Greater Shadow gets defeated. A police officer suddenly appears, questioning the trio why they're out, with Kenzo telling him they were getting rid of Shadows. The officer understands and introduces himself as Kai Shinigami, informing the teens they can call for his assistance whenever needed before leaving.

Kenzo and Shen share a laugh before turning to find Arisu expressing her concerns over not wanting to burden others with her problems. Kenzo insists on helping her out and offers his and Shen's friendship, telling her they can fight the Shadows together as a team. Kenzo then gives a temporary name for their group: the Raptor Pack. After exchanging banter with Shen and Arisu, Kenzo forms the Fool Confidant.

Futaba contacts the other Persona-users in their group chat that she located Sho. After the Thieves briefly tell Mitsuru about Maruki (who Sho is with), she tells Minako to check on the rogue Persona-user for them. Minako agrees before putting away her phone to enter Takemi's clinic, where the doctor greets her. Takemi allows Minako access to the examination room, where the Wild Card finds Sho resting on the bed. Minako uses High Pixie to heal him and advises him to sleep when she hears Maruki asking Rumi if she's alright. Minako heads over to comfort the young woman, with Takemi noting signs of shock and PTSD. The doctor tells Minako and Maruki to leave while she keeps Rumi under her care. After leaving the clinic, Minako questions Maruki if he knows something about Rumi, to which the former counselor begins explaining his ex-fiancée's traumatic past.
