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Recap / Opposing Force Conclusion

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After being overtaken by the Gene Worm portal explosion, Shepard now finds himself within a V-22 Osprey flying away from Black Mesa. However, his only company is the man he saw several times throughout Black Mesa, the G-man. The G-man apologizes for looking like he's been avoiding Shepard up to this point, and explains that he had several loose ends to tie up first, such as dealing with the embarrassment of Black Mesa. A white flash is seen, which tells Shepard that the Black Mesa Research Facility has been destroyed by the nuclear bomb.

The Osprey then teleports to Xen, which the G-man explains that there's still the witnesses he has to deal with. The G-man points out that he's fascinated by those who survive all odds since it reminds him of himself, and as a result, he's taken a liking to Shepard. The G-man explains that he's managed to convince his employers to allow for Shepard to be preserved for the time being as the Osprey next teleports to traveling through space. Continuing his speech, G-man adds that because his employers aren't as agreeable as him, Shepard's best option is to remain somewhere where he can do no harm, and have no harm brought to him. A portal then opens up, and the G-man walks through it; leaving Shepard on the Osprey flying through space.

The game leaves off with a final message stating that Shepard's been detained, and awaits further evaluation.

This Chapter contains examples of:

  • Downer Ending: Somehow, Shepard ends up getting an ending even worse than Gordon. He winds up in indefinite detainment with no sign of ever being let out. In addition, it's also heavily implied that many, if not all, of the Black Mesa personnel and HECU Marines that Shephard helped along the way have been killed in the blast.
  • Nuclear Option: In the background, Shepard can see the nuclear bomb go off in the distance; meaning that the Black Mesa Research Facility has been destroyed.



