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Recap / Dr Quinn Medicine Woman S 03 E 03

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"Cattle Drive: Part 1" is the third episode of season 3 of Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman.

Dr. Mike receives a telegram from Miss Olive saying: "Down with fever. Send help." But when she, Matthew, Colleen, Brian, Sully, Loren, Robert E, and Grace arrive, Miss Olive's already died. Olive left a note saying she was leaving her belongings to friends and family, including 200 cattle to Matthew and a gold pocket watch to Colleen. They must get the herd back to Colorado Springs; however, Miss Olive's trusted foreman and most experienced trail man, Paco, must return to Mexico to take care of the ranch. Matthew hires the rest of the trail hands, promising them 2 head of steer each. Matthew becomes trail boss, but Sully questions his ways and says that Matthew will lose the cattle. Colleen develops a crush on Jesse, a handsome ne'er do well cowhand. When Colleen wants to ride with him (instead of in the wagon with Grace), Dr. Mike refuses permission. Matthew continues to ignore Sully's advice. After they come across dead bodies and Apache arrows, they reach the place Matthew thought there was water, but there is none. They are now days away from the next water point. Dr. Mike tries to tell Sully about Jesse, but he says they need him. While picking up fuel for the fire ("prairie coal", Dry animal dung fuel), Brian is stung by a scorpion. Dr. Mike tries to tell Matthew they need to stop, but he insists they keep going. Loren tells Brian he loves him and regrets he didn't say it to Olive. When they finally reach water, an exhausted Matthew falls off his horse. There is a stampede and Matthew, Sully, Robert E and Jesse have to turn the herd around.

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