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Recap / Charmed 2018 S 2 E 14 Sudden Death

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Mel and Harry make a horrific discovery; Macy looks for a way to break Harry's connection to his Darklighter; Maggie finds Parker again.

Tropes in this episode:

  • All Your Powers Combined: The monster Mel and Harry discover has been given powers from several supernatural creatures.
  • Gone Horribly Right: The monster apparently broke loose and killed all of its creators.
  • Quantum Mechanics Can Do Anything: Macy tries to find a way to break Harry's connection to his Darklighter by comparing it to quantum entanglement. Subverted; she gets nowhere.
  • Take a Third Option: Macy gives up on separating Harry from the Darklighter, but then looks into an alternate solution: merging them back together.
