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Recap / Burger Brawl

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Episode List

Burger Brawl

  1. "Water Bottles?"
  2. "A New Seed!"
  3. "The Night Of Burgerween..."
  4. "The Power."
  5. "Plumpus M'lumpus"
  6. "Rocking Around the Burger King"
  7. "Hope when you put it in the water it floats!
  8. "I listen to the toy!"
  9. "Da Munchkinz"
  10. "Pin8"
  11. "Still livin like a pussycat!"
  12. "Eating a Burger With No Honey Mustard"
  13. "Victory Will Be Mine"
  14. "I want the weed"
  15. "P-I-N-K-Y"
  16. "Wiggle Wiggle Goose Goose"
  17. "My butt's to blame!"

Burger Brawl Plus

  1. "GOSH!!!"

Burger Brawl Mini

  1. "Wait this isn't BB7"
  2. "The Grand Meal..."

Specials and Others

  1. "Burger Brawl References/Facts"
  2. "Burger Brawl References/Facts 2"
  3. "Burgerween #2 but rushed"
  4. "Burgermas #2 but also rushed"
