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Quotes / Rant Comedy

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Reporter #1: Krusty does this have a point?
Krusty: Yes! I'm quitting show business! I was just trying to go out with a little class, you jackass!
Reporter #2: But Krusty, why now? Why not 20 years ago?
Krusty: 'Cause comedy ain't funny anymore! Instead of time-tested jokes about women drivers and doctor bills, you got some big-chinned schlub reading typos from The Palookaville Post! Well, here's a headline for ya: NOBODY CARES!
(everyone present starts laughing, except for an offended Jay Leno)
Leno: Hey! I washed your hair.
Krusty: These comics today! "Ooh, look at me! I can't set my VCR! I can't open a bag of airline peanuts! I'm a freakin' MORON!"
(everyone laughs again)
Homer: (laughs) Krusty's gone nuts.
Krusty: Then you got these lady comics talking about stuff that would embarrass Redd Foxx! God rest his smutty soul. Who they slept with, what time they sit on the can! This is supposed to get you a husband?!
(the audience breaks into laughter)
Krusty: What the hell are you laughin' at? I'm just tellin' the truth!
Reporter #1: And it's funny!
Krusty: (amazed) It is? In that case, I'm proud to announce my triumphant return to comedy!
The Simpsons, "The Last Temptation of Krust"
