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Hunting Series

Part 1, Hunting

"Lucky me, you didn't get stolen"

Neo: I would've kicked anyone's ass who tried, even Smith's
Dean, eagerly: Man, I would've loved to see that in more ways then one

Part 2, The First Hunt

Neo, smiling: "Hey, Dean."
Dean, hugging him: [Whispering] "Hey, Neo."

Dean: "Man, you'll be fine, you've got me to help ya out remember ?"
— Neo taking a deep breath and hoping he won't screw up, Dean shaking his shoulder

Dean: [Whispering] "Neo, man. You're bleeding a lot from your back."

Part 3, Hunting and Saving

"My name is John Winchester, maybe you've heard of me. I'm hunting and saving Tom."

"Run, Tom. You see the black car, you get in and I'll take you home in a minute."

You were doing so well, I did not want to interrupt. You are lucky that the boy is safe, Mr. Winchester. It would not have ended well if he had been killed.
Smith: [Deadpan]

John:Tom, where do you live ?
A head shake in response
->John, continuing: O.k, where are you staying then ?
Tom: It's green and it's got a flower on it.
John, questioning: The flowers blue ?
Tom: How'd you know that ?!
John, smiling slightly I'm staying there with my kids, my boys. My youngest is Sam, he's two years younger than you. My eldest's name is Dean, he's about your age, maybe a bit younger. Would you want to stay with us until the morning ?
Tom:O.k., Mr. W.

Dean: M' name's Dean, Dean Winchester.
Tom: [Shyly] Tom, Tom Anderson.
