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I like watching these videos while eating, not because I'm a glutton for punishment, but because it makes me feel amazing about what I'm eating. If I get unfortunate with a new restaurant choice, I remember that some imbecile in the world is possibly stuck with a trekking burger.
Bolverk-GTM on the Stuart Ashen video Trekking Burger | Ashens

The kitten-burners seem to fulfill some urgent need. They give us someone we can clearly and correctly say we’re better than. Their extravagant cruelty makes us feel better about ourselves because we know that we would never do what they have done. They thus function as signposts of depravity, reassuring the rest of us that we’re Not As Bad As them, and thus letting us tell ourselves that this is the same thing as us being good.
Fred Clark, Slacktivist

If you are blue, if your sad, if your depressed, upset, or unbelievably mad! Then you'll get a lift, when your talking with, The Depressed Persian Tow Truck Man.
The Depressed Persian Tow Truck Man, lyrics from MADtv (1995).
