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Playing With / Thermostat Tamper Tantrum

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Basic Trope: It's really cold or hot, so Alice and Bob go to adjust the thermostat. Their parents Charlie and/or Diane tell them not to touch it.

  • Straight: Alice and Bob are told not to touch the thermostat for whatever reason.
  • Exaggerated:
    • It's incredibly hot or cold in the house—and Charlie and Diane still won't adjust the thermostat.
    • Charlie and Diane literally teleport in the second they sense someone's touched the thermostat.
  • Downplayed: Alice and Bob simply ask, "Is it all right if we turn the thermostat up/down a bit?"
  • Justified:
    • Alice and Bob are in an RV or a boat—and recklessly adjusting the climate control can drain the battery.
    • Alice and Bob are dirt-poor and don't touch the thermostat to save electricity.
  • Inverted: Charlie and Diane ask Alice and Bob to adjust the thermostat.
  • Lampshaded: Alice and/or Bob point out that it's odd how Charlie and Diane know when someone touches the thermostat even if it gets adjusted up/down by one degree.
  • Discussed: "Is it just me, or do parents immediately know when someone touches the thermostat?"
  • Parodied: Charlie and Diane have a house rule where they will break one finger for every degree the thermostat is changed by.
  • Played for Drama: CPS visits because one of the kids complained at school that the family can't afford heating oil.
