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Playing With / Sibling Rivalry

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Basic Trope: Two siblings have a rivalry.

  • Straight: Steve and Pete are brothers who always argue and fight each other.
  • Exaggerated: Cain and Abel
  • Downplayed: Steve and Pete sometimes argue.
  • Justified:
    • Steve and Pete are very competitive over the attention of their parents.
    • Prince Steve is the heir, while Prince Pete is a Spare to the Throne who wants to be king. He may become The Evil Prince and kill Steve.
  • Inverted:
    • Steve and Pete are not related, but they get along with each other better than their own siblings.
    • Thicker Than Water, Steve and Pete are basically inseparable.
    • (If you really wanna get into squick territory) Sibling Incest
  • Subverted: Steve and Pete always fight. That is until they become adults.
  • Double Subverted: ...That is until one insults the other, thus reigniting their rivalry.
  • Parodied: ???
  • Zig Zagged: In some episodes, Steve and Pete fight each other, but in others, they get along like old pals.
  • Averted: Steve and Pete have no rivalry with each other.
  • Enforced: "Two siblings getting along? Boring! Let's have them fight each other!"
  • Lampshaded: "Considering how you two always fight to the bitter end, you truly are brothers."
  • Invoked: Steve and Pete's friends try to get the two to fight each other because sibling rivalry is considered the norm in society.
  • Exploited: Steve and Pete are too bullheaded to realize that Gary is scapegoating one-another for his thievery.
  • Defied: "We're brothers. We shouldn't be fighting over silly things."
  • Discussed: "Ohh! Why do siblings fight all the freaking time?"
  • Conversed: ???
  • Implied: Steve and Pete spend most of the time avoiding each other like a plague.
  • Deconstructed: Steve and Pete's rivalry gets heated to the point that they are endangering their loved ones.
  • Reconstructed: Steve and Pete learn their lesson from endangering others and agree to get along with each other...most of the time.

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