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Playing With / Shipper with an Agenda

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Basic Trope: A character actively encourages a romantic relationship between two other characters because in some way does it benefit them.

  • Straight: Bob wants his sister Alice and millionaire Charlie to get together, but only because when Charlie marries Alice he gets access to some of his wealth.
  • Exaggerated: Bob has a supercomputer under his house, tracking Alice and Charlie's daily actions and slowing rigging them both one step closer to marriage
  • Downplayed: While Bob does want some of that wealth he also wants Alice to be happy, and he thinks that Charlie is her one true love.
  • Justified: Bob has met Charlie before and he notes that Charlie and Alice have much in common and they both have been lonely for awhile. The money to him is just a bonus.
  • Inverted: Bob actively discourages Alice from coming even a inch near Charlie, knowing that he will be a bad influence on Alice
  • Subverted: While Bob does want money he also wants Alice to be happy and encourages her to find her one true love.
  • Double Subverted: ...Only for that love to be Charlie.
  • Parodied: Bob hands up blatant billboards saying" "Alice and Charlie should kiss because I get some of the benefits!"
  • Averted: Bob doesn't encourage Alice to hook up with anyone.
  • Enforced: The writers want to show some that there is more to Bob than being a Nice Guy, so they made him support the One True Paring, but only because he benefits from it.
  • Lampshaded: "Bob says we are a match, but I think the real match is him and money!"
  • Exploited: Evluz notices that Bob is desperate for money, so he offers Bob some money in exchange for his intelect.
  • Defied: Bob simply refuses to show his official stance on Alice x Charile
  • Discussed: "There goes Bob. He's probably trying to set Alice and Charlie up again" "Heh, every time he does that he gets a step away from his one true love: money".
  • Conversed: "Bob really wants me and Charlie too get together, is it because he gets some of the benefits?".
  • Deconstructed: When Alice and Charlie gets together Bob had gotten all the riches he wanted in the world. Only for Alice herself to be unhappy, Bob wonders if all the riches in the world equate to Alice's happiness.
  • Reconstructed: Only for Charlie to notice that Alice isn't happy and stepping up to be the husband Alice needs .
  • Played for Laughs: Bob holds up blatant signs saying that Alice and Charlie should get together, only for him to continuously get injured every time he dare hold his signs up.
  • Played for Drama: Alice questions Bob's rhetoric knowing that she is madly in love with the humble yet poor Dean instead. However from Bob's end they have been orphans all their lives and are now on the streets, Charlie's money could be their only way out of this life.

Back to Shipper with an Agenda, you and it are totally made for each other (KA-ching!).
