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Playing With / Obvious Pregnancy

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Basic Trope: Signs of pregnancy appearing in a rather overt manner.

  • Straight: The belly size, cravings, morning sickness, and moodswings all point to Alice being pregnant like blazing, neon signs.
  • Exaggerated: Alice enters most scenes struggling to fit through a door and knocking into people, bump first.
  • Downplayed: Alice is only slightly larger than average.
  • Justified: Alice is having triplets and happens to be well overdue.
  • Inverted:
    • By all accounts, Alice should be huge, but her belly is still almost flat.
    • Hide Your Pregnancy: Even Alice's actress is huge, but props, scenery, and cinematic slight of hand obscure her pregnancy.
  • Subverted:
    • Alice is faking as a ruse or to prank her boyfriend Bob.
    • Alice is actually going through a phantom pregnancy. She looks and acts the part, but isn't actually pregnant.
    • Bob is dreaming or daydreaming and Alice snaps him out of it, revealing she's no bigger than expected for how far along she's supposed to be.
  • Double Subverted: Alice sports a huge belly, will eat anything, and goes from zero to crying at the drop of a pin. She "admits" its all a ruse, but eventually comes clean that she was expecting the entire time and didn't want to be doted on because of how obviously pregnant she was.
  • Parodied:
    • Alice appears hugely pregnant, babies visibly kicking, and she's staring in disbelief at a positive pregnancy test. Everyone else is likewise awestruck at the "news" despite Alice growing out of her clothes every scene.
    • The morning after sex, Alice's belly swells up as if she was pregnant for months.
  • Zig Zagged: Alice goes back and forth between saying she's faking and her symptoms proving otherwise until no one knows what to think anymore and question if she's actually expecting in the first place.
  • Averted: Alice is showing exactly as much as expected.
  • Enforced: A producer thinks pregnancy is beautiful, cute, or funny, and demands the use of belly props on already pregnant acctresses.
  • Lampshaded: "Does no one think it's weird that Alice looks ready to pop for five months along?"
  • Invoked: Alice wanted the 'fullest' experience from pregnancy, so she took fertility pills and sends Bob on food errands at the slightest of cravings.
  • Exploited: Alice figures society will bend over backwards for a pregnant woman, so she purposefully emphasizes her condition to milk the situation for all its worth. Pun intended.
  • Defied: Alice comes from a long line of twins and triplets and avoids having kids because she refuses to be that big.
  • Conversed: Alice rants about a movie with unrealistically large pregnant bellies, having been annoyed with how people misjudged how far along she was during previous pregnancies.
  • Discussed: Alice and Bob argue about when its okay to assume a woman is pregnant, using their friends and family as examples.
  • Implied: Alice's pregnancy is joked about, but Alice never shows up in person.
  • Deconstructed: Alice actually has to go to the hospital because her symptoms are that overblown. One of the many babies is endangered, Alice is admitted and put on bed-rest, and she is put on an IV drip to suppress her moodswings and cravings.
  • Reconstructed: Alice is taken to the doctor to be double-checked. She's given stern medical advice, and extensive treatment, but later uses her trying experience for hilarious anecdotes when someone mentions how big she's gotten and how weird she's been acting.
  • Played For Drama: Alice has been impregnated by a malevolent force, whether it be an alien invasion force, a parasite, or a demon. Alice's symptoms serve as a grim reminder of what she went through, what she carries, and what is to come.
  • Played For Laughs: Alice's parents, invited over at the news of her pregnancy. While waiting for a response after pressing the doorbell, they wonder aloud when Alice will start showing. Alice opens the door on cue, visibly pregnant. Bob, Alice's gigantic husband ducks his head in and waves.

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