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Playing With / Almost Dead Guy

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Basic Trope: A dying character stays alive just long enough to disclose all they can to drive the plot, then bites it.

  • Straight: Alice is dying. Right before she dies, she tells Bob that Emperor Evulz is invincible except for his head. Then she dies.
  • Exaggerated: Right before Alice dies, she tells Bob everything about Emperor Evulz, from his backstory, his powers, and his weaknesses.
  • Downplayed: Alice tells Bob a hint about Emperor Evulz's weak spot before she dies.
  • Justified:
    • Alice’s resolve to make sure her death wouldn’t be in vain allowed her to cling to life for a moment longer.
    • The group previously agreed that they would only go defeat Emperor Evulz if he hurt one of them. When Emperor Evulz kills Alice, she knows that the rest of the group will go defeat the villain, so she tells Bob how just as she dies.
    • Alice's legs were chopped off by Emperor Evulz. There is no way to stop her bleeding, so they just have to wait until she bleeds out.
  • Inverted: Bob tells Alice something important as she dies because she can still help defeat the villain from the afterlife.
  • Subverted:
    • Alice opens her mouth to tell Bob something... then she dies.
    • Alice promises Bob that she will tell her everything before she dies. When she is almost dead, she tells Bob how much she loves him, but doesn't disclose any important information.
  • Double Subverted:
    • ...but then Alice's ghost returns and tells Bob about Emperor Evulz's weak spot right before she slips away to the afterlife.
    • ...but Charles, The Smart Guy of the team, informs Bob that Alice was talking in code and telling her about Emperor Evulz's weak spot.
  • Parodied: Bob is blabbing about how much she'll miss Alice, and she keeps saying, "Shut up, I'm trying to tell you something!" But because Bob would not stop talking, Alice died without revealing the information. After she dies, Charles comments, "I think she was trying to tell you something."
  • Zig-Zagged: Alice opens her mouth to speak to Bob. Then she falls limp, and everyone thinks she's dead. Then she wakes up again and keeps talking. Then she falls unconscious again and wakes up. This goes on until she really dies... and then her ghost finishes the speech and leaves for the afterlife.
  • Averted:
    • Alice dies instantly, without saying anything.
    • Alice discloses the information while alive and well.
  • Enforced: It's established earlier that Alice knows something the others don't. The creators plan on having her reveal it over the course of the season, but they never get time to do it. In the end, when she dies, they realize she hasn't told the others about the information yet, so she becomes an Almost Dead Guy.
  • Lampshaded: "I know this might be a bad time to disclose this... but I'm dying, so I'm gonna give you the information you need, Bob..."
  • Invoked: Bob asks Alice earlier on to disclose the information when something important happens.
  • Exploited: Emperor Evulz decides to sneak nearby Alice to see if she is disclosing his information to Bob, so he can create an indestructible helmet to protect his head.
  • Defied:
    • When Emperor Evulz kills Alice, he tapes her mouth to avoid letting Alice to disclose his information.
    • Charles gives Alice a couple of adrenaline shots and painkillers to keep her alive, and then once Bob finishes off Emperor Evulz, she gets nursed back to health.
  • Discussed: "Disclose Emperor Evulz's information right now, lest you want to disclose the information while dying."
  • Conversed: "Damn, Alice is disclosing the information when she's dying. It's like a drama film."
  • Implied: Bob tells his sister Diane, the POV character, that Alice is dying, and leaves Diane to go to Alice's bedside. When he comes out, he tells Diane that Emperor Evulz's weak spot is his head.
  • Deconstructed: When Alice is dying, the group gathers around her to hear what she has to say, but she's in shock and unconscious.
  • Reconstructed: Charles uses a spell to keep Alice conscious until she dies so she can disclose information.
  • Played for Laughs: As Alice dies, she says "Bob, I'm about to die, so...I left you my CD collection, I kept the waffles in the cabinet if you want them, tell my son Ethan to stay away from my ponies, Emperor Evulz's weak spot is his head, and make sure to feed the cat."
  • Played for Horror: Alice's final words are a delirious warning to "stay away from the green." A green-eyed serial killer shows up soon after.

"Troper- I'll miss you, and- remember, this is the way back to Almost Dead Guy! I must leave you now..."
