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Nightmare Fuel / What Happened In Edmonton

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In a setting where everyone with superpowers is evil, there’s plenty of nightmare fuel to go around.

  • Jacklyn’s entire power set. Her abilities make everyone around her attracted to her. They also make every relationship grow slowly more intense over time and her clothes tend to get damaged. In a setting with serial rapists like Nighthound, these powers are absolutely terrifying.
  • Nighthound was already treating Ray terribly for fun. What’s he going to do when he’s actually genuinely angry at her for killing him?
  • Actually, Nighthound in general. He’s really just the absolute worst.
  • Sharing a body with Nighthound is a horrifying thought. Imagine watching [[spoiled: your own body]] commit unspeakable horrors with only occasional reprieves. The fact Taya has moments of self control could even make it worse, as her ability to change what he’s done would be so slight as to be irrelevant, potentially hurting the people she’s trying to help more.
  • Quietus is fond of torturing people in new and creative ways. Some particularly egregious examples include:
  • Red offering herself as a slave to Jacklyn. Imagine a random stranger coming up to you and pledging their undying loyalty for seemingly no reason. Then imagine that same stranger hunting you down and trying to kill you after you quite reasonably run away.
  • Kokichi was kidnapped when they were seven from their family's comic book store and abused by a sadistic monster for years. Adult fear, much?
