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Nightmare Fuel / The Outsider

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The Series:

  • Literally everything about the The Outsider is this: El Cuco is a demon that feeds on human suffering. The main thing he likes to do for a 'meal' (and his own sick pleasure) is rape and murder children (by eating them). He can mimic a person down to the DNA, and kills the child (or children) as that person. When that mimicked person is arrested and charged with the murder of a child with ironclad DNA evidence, their life is ruined and they have a target on their back in jail. Not content with eating the child and ruining someone's life, El Cuco likes to stay around and soak up all the grief from the family members of the murdered child and those of the "killer" sitting in jail. Whether the child's families try and get revenge on the "killer" (or his family) with more violence or hurt/kill themselves from the grief, it's all welcome food for the demon. When El Cuco is too weak from hunger between transformations to do things for himself, he will infect someone and make them his unwilling slave. Any resistance from that slave is met with horrific pain and hallucinations. Having been around since old time myths about El Cuco were first told, it's safe to say he has killed thousands of children.
