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Nightmare Fuel / Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell

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  • What happens to Lascelles. He's a horrible person who made the enmity between Strange and Norrell far worse, killed Drawlight in cold blood, and disfigured Childermass all for little reasons beyond profit and his pride. But he's also 'compelled' into taking the role of the Champion of the Castle of the Plucked Eye and Heart (probably along with having his mind wiped to fulfill the role's purpose) until someone kills him in turn. How long will that be?
  • The Neapolitan soldiers that Strange resurrects. They're mutilated and decomposing, and spend all their time trying to find Strange to beg him to put them to a final rest, or send them home to their loved ones instead of Hell. In the end Wellington orders them to be burnt, though who knows if even that released them? (Frustratingly, a footnote informs us that the "life" of such corpses can be ended by simply cutting off their eyes, tongue, and heart - but Strange never manages to figure that out.)
  • One of the footnotes goes into detail about Simon Bloodworth, a 14th century magician who foolishly entered into a partnership with a fairy called Buckler, only to come home one day to find that all his family (save his eldest daughter Margaret) all of his servants and several of his neighbours had been tempted into a magic cupboard by Buckler, who said they would visit Faerie and return in time for mass. Bloodworth himself entered the cabinet to rescue them all, but he never emerged either, and even emissaries sent by John Uskglass were unable to retrieve anyone who was abducted by Buckler. Two hundred years later another magician, Dr Martin Pale, was journeying through Faerie and found a human child, Anne Bloodworth, imprisoned in a fairy castle, starved and forced to wash pots for what she believed to be two weeks, and she says once she's done she'll go home to see her parents and sisters. And the footnote simply ends there, with no mention of whether Pale was able to rescue Anne, or what happened to all the other people Buckler stole away.
