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Nightmare Fuel / Dracula Has Risen from the Grave

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  • The opening in which a woman's body is discovered in the bell. The lead up is utterly chilling as the priest finds blood dripping down into the church area. Eventually reach the bell, a boot falling out of it it followed by said woman, found with two bite marks on her neck.
  • This is one of the few time Christoper Lee actually speak in the Dracula role and he is terrifying, especially toward Zena when she talks back to him.
  • Zena demanding to be Dracula's mate. Dracula grants her wish... albeit with bloodshot eyes. The last we see of Zena alive is her screaming as a red filter fades over her. Later the priest find her vamped body as he's about to put the lid on Dracula coffin to which Dracula orders her body destroyed.
