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Nightmare Fuel / Brotha Lynch Hung

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Brotha Lynch Hung has always been known for his lyrics that go beyond od the standard gangsta rap, and some of his songs go so far to send shudders down one's spine. Examples below, they are not recommended for sensitive minds.

  • Basically, the CD entitled "Season Of Da Siccness". You could say that even the cover has a physics that manages to be somewhat disturbing.
    • "Dead Man Walking"!
    • "Rest In Piss".
    • "Return Of Da Baby Killa"
    • "Locc 2 Da Brain" is a quite disturbing song, both in production and in the last verse of Lynch.
    • The outro titled: "Inhale With Da Devil", at least the devil's voice.
  • "Dinner and a Movie".
  • "Da Coathanga Stangla".
