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Heartwarming / Star Kid

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  • Near the beginning of the film, its actually Michelle who tries to talk to Spencer. Even revealing she likes the same comic book hero, the MidNight Warrior. Sadly, poor Spencer is far too tongue tied to talk back. To her credit, Michelle doesn't appear to hold Spencer's shyness against him.
  • The moment after Spencer and Cy saves Michelle and her friends from falling to their deaths, due to Cy accidentally damaging the Feris wheel. Nearly sending the girls plunging to their deaths.
    Spencer: You know, saving people's a lot more fun than scaring them.
  • When Cy first mentions his "father" Tenris De'Thar, while trying to prove to Spencer that his dad doesn't hate him.
    • Spencer giving Cy his nickname.
      Cy: Your father and your sister feel very strongly for you, earth biotic.
      Spencer: You know, you can call me Spencer.
      Cy: Spencur.
      Spencer: So, what do people call you?
      Cy: Phase One Assault Cyber Suit.
      Spencer: How about Cy?
      Cy: ...I could get used to it.
  • Once the Broodwarrior is finally dead, Cy sadly appears to have died as well. Just then, the Trelkins, including Cy's creator Tenris De'Thar arrive and quickly set about repairing him, bringing him back to life.
  • The leader of the group of Trelkin soldiers giving Spencer a medal for his bravery before they leave Earth.
