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Heartwarming / Ong Bak 3

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  • Tien is about to throw herself down the cliff, unable to bear life in his crippled state. Mhen comes initially to laugh him for crying, but then he tries to comfort him his own way, telling him that laughing is better than crying and momentarily offering him to jump together. Although Tien only reacts with anger and despair, the silliness ends up giving Master Bua time to reach them.
    Bua: Go ahead and jump. He is not going to follow you.
    Mhen: Hey. He has no hair.
    Bua: Right now, an insane person like Mhen can understand the world better than a sane person like you.
    Mhen: [proudly] I won't jump. I'll stay here.
    Tien: I'm at my wit's end. I'm alive, yet my life is worthless.
    Bua: You were born under an ominous fate that causes you suffering.
    Tien: My name ["tien" means "candle"] cannot help rescue my fate. It's not possible to accept life like this.
    Bua: Your name only symbolizes its meaning — light. Tien, take a look in front of you now. Look carefully.
    Tien looks into the horizon, where day breaks gloriously.
    Bua: The light of wisdom is driving away the darkness. Look at the ground. Now you can see your own shadow. If you are scared by the shadow that follows you, just remember one thing: wherever shadows fall, light — light is always very nearby.
  • Pim practicing the traditional khon dance with Tien to help rehabilitate his broken body, which turns into a Dance of Romance.
