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Headscratchers / WSU

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  • The main event of WSU's Breaking Barriers II iPPV really does raise a lot of questions. First of all, it's a 6 woman tag Steel Cage War Games match where the rules are two women start off and one enters every three minutes. Once everyone is in the cage the match can be won by submission or one team member quitting for the whole team. For really no reason at all during the match the Midwest Militia knocked out the referee, left the cage and brought back a few sets of handcuffs and a machete. They ended up handcuffing Brittney Savage, Alicia and Amy Lee (the referee) to the ropes and threatening Mercedes Martinez with the machete. When Mercedes refused to quit, Jessica Havok actually went to stab her and Brittney was forced to shout "I quit" to save her. The problems:
    • First of all, Kayfabe or not didn't Jessica commit a criminal offence? Wouldn't doing something like that be enough grounds to have her suspended or fired from WSU? It's the TNA Abyss abduction all over again.
    • Secondly, Amy Lee was not unconscious for the last part of the match. She saw things were getting out of hand so couldn't she have simply stopped the match and had the Midwest Militia taken away by security? True it's a no DQ match but she's the commissioner so surely she would have the authority to overrule that. Amy's not the best boss you want to have but she doesn't seem like the type who'd want her employees stabbed in the stomach.
    • Once the Midwest Militia have won the match they simply walk out of the arena. They just knocked out the commissioner and tried to stab Mercedes Martinez with a machete? Where are the security team to detain them? In Kayfabe who would allow them to walk out of the building scott-free?
      • Would you approach the crazed trio of women with a machete?
  • It's a storyline. Reality is suspended as it suits the booker. Choose to follow (if it's still around) or not as it suits you.
    • The problem isn't that they're being allowed to walk around after threatening to kill someone, it's that, after that, why doesn't anyone ELSE do that sort of thing?
      • Here's the big one: Who the hell brings a machete to a wrestling match in the first place?
      • The ringside doctor had it in his bag along with the three pairs of handcuffs.
