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Headscratchers / Vivo

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  • Couldn't Gabi's mother have tracked her smartphone to find out where she was? The location settings must've been on, as Gabi was using the navigator to formulate her and Vivo's route to Miami.
    • No, because she was too busy shaming her family to even do that.
    • Gabi and her mother have one thing in common: when they get passionate and stubborn, they don't consider the simple solution. Rosa didn't think to use the Track My Smartphone app, and Gabi didn't think of photocopying or photographing the song.
    • Also, she had no reason to think that Gabi wasn't on the bus, since she'd wanted to go to Miami and had already bought the ticket. By the time she found out she wasn't there, the Mambo Cabana was already in sight.
  • What's with the weird product placement during Marta's song, with the backup singers chanting "Mambo Cabana?" Yes, it ties back to Andrés's song earlier, but nobody except Vivo has any way of knowing that, so it just comes across as the venue advertising itself during Marta's last song ever sung on stage, written by a dead man she was in love with.
    • In what way does softly singing the name of the venue count as product placement? Especially when the Mambo Cabana isn't a real place, so it's not as if it's being advertised to us. At worst, it's comparable to the opening logos that are shown before a movie.
      • In-universe product placement. In-universe, it's a very weird, tasteless thing to do during Marta's intensely personal and emotional last song ever in all of her career.
      • For Andres, the Mambo Cabana was the place where his dreams would come true and he would be with the only woman he ever loved. He sings how magical it is to Vivo, that it would change their lives for the better. While the audience doesn't know how important the Mambo Cabana is to Marta, she certainly does.
  • If no one can understand Vivo then HOW THE HELL ARE THE MUSICALS EVEN WORK!?
    • Because for the most part we are hearing from Vivo's point of viewn not from the others. Use your imagination.
