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Headscratchers / Titanfall 2

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  • If BT is any indication of how efficiently a Titan is capable of operating autonomously, why do Titans even need pilots?
    • We see in the singleplayer campaign that there are circumstances where a Titan needs a human pilot to fulfill the mission; confined spaces, the fact that a Titan cannot perform a stealthy approach due to the amount of noise it makes, the possibility of hacking, and so on. It may also explain why Pilots must be extremely capable fighters: Just as how the Titan should be able to protect their Pilots, the Pilots should also be able to assist their Titans. Also, a Titan's judgement isn't always correct. See: shortcuts.
    • Same reason armored vehicles in modern combat still rely on infantry. Armored vehicles have blind spots that leave them vulnerable to anti-armor weapons. A Titan-only force is at risk of guys with explosives in urban settings, and there are multiple points in the campaign where BT can't help you fight because he just can't fit through the doors. Combined-arms doctrine requires infantry and armor support each other by dealing with the other's threats.
      • I think you're missing the point here; the reasoning is 'why put an incredibly competent, super-mobile infantryman inside a relatively clumsy walking tank that can think and fight for itself?
      • Because there are times when it's just too dangerous for the super-mobile infantryman to be on foot, and times when the tank needs to be left alone while the Pilot does something. A vehicle that can defend itself when the driver is elsewhere is very valuable. However, we do see that Titans are more effective under Pilot control, which is why they're controllable at all and not simply self-driving smart tanks all the time.
    • Because there's many places where a Pilot can't go that a Titan can (the poison-gas environments near the Comm Tower, for example), and places where a Titan can't but a Pilot can (any space past a door too small for a Titan to pass through). They compliment each other especially in hazardous terrain; in open spaces a Pilot is just a normal infantryman with double jump, but a Titan is capable of weathering most weapons fire to be able to deliver a Pilot where they excel; in the tight, vertical environments of urban combat. Meanwhile the Titan can provide fire support and a safe escape route.
    • Also, BT (and the other Vanguard-class Titans) are treated as rarities; because of this we can infer that BT is special among an already special class of Titan - over 3 years of service has developed his AI compared to most titans, which seem to last mere days (if not minutes, if Multiplayer is representative of intense titan combat).
    • In multiplayer, an auto-titan on its own is an easy mark for a pilot. They have cloaking devices which can make themselves completely invisible to the titan, and they can climb on its back and heavily damage it with limited interference.
  • When each member of the Apex Predators introduces themselves by opening their Titan's cockpit, why doesn't Jack just shoot them then?
    • Probably Gameplay and Story Segregation to give it a more mecha anime styled face your rival feel or that it wouldn't matter as the reaction times from Titans and their pilots are pretty quick. (The pilots introduce themselves a considerable distance away after all).
      • They were not at "...a considerable distance...", each introduction (with the exception of Viper) happens at a distance of 100 meters or less (with a clear line of sight between Jack and the enemy Titan and pilot), well within the kill zone of all Titan loadouts (with the possible exception of Ronin).
    • Even if they're only 20 metres away, unless BT's weapon is already pointed directly at the cockpit, they'd have time to simply close the hatch before a shot was fired.
  • Exactly how long was it between the fold weapon's test and Jack's arrival at the facility? Even if the majority of the destruction was caused by the weapons test, the amount of vegetation we see growing in the facility would've taken months if not years to reach the level of growth we see. So did it take months to move the Ark from the testing facility to the Draconis?
    • Considering all the time distortions happening all over the place, it could be that the plants there grew in different times, transported there and got stuck.
      • The game actually confirms this: BT says the corpses seem to have aged radically and differently, meaning the time anomalies aren't just limited to two time "planes".
    • The months could have also included the excavation/time-stabilization of the site to safely remove the Ark..
  • So is ARES Division and General Marder part of the IMC proper? Tell me if I'm wrong but while playing Bounty Hunt with ARES as your faction you're still collecting bounties off the "Remnant Fleet" AKA what's left of the IMC after Titanfall 1, right?
    • After their defeat at Demeter and the defection of Admiral Gates near the end of Titanfall 1, the IMC put Spyglass, an advanced AI in a Specter body, in command of IMC forces. It's heavily implied in supplemental fluff that Spyglass has gone rogue/AWOL and took the Remnant Fleet with him. General Marder and ARES could be IMC 'loyalists' who are trying to take back control of all IMC forces, which would explain them engaging Remnant Fleet forces in Bounty Hunt.
  • How can Jack, in full combat gear, have a mass of only 89 kilograms, according to BT? I can't imagine Jack himself being less than 72kg, so the clothes on his back, plus body armor, helmet, jump pack, grenades, weapons and ammunition altogether are only 17kg?
    • BT subtracted the weight of the kit. The 89 kg is just Cooper.
      • Why would he do that? The whole point of the weight measurement is for an accurate throw, so what matters is total weight. BT wouldn't even know the exact weight of the kit, since Cooper constantly swaps loadouts, and would have no reason to even try to calculate it, since only the total weight matters.
    • Modern militaries are currently trying to develop new body armor that offers the same protection for less weight, or more protection for the same weight. The standard IBA in service with the US Army, complete with SAPI plates, clocks in at about 25lbs by itself (about 12kg). Now, considering that Titanfall takes place quite a ways in the future, it's reasonable to assume that someone, at some time developed full body armor kits that offer the same ballistic protection as our current body armor, for even less weight than our current chest plates. If you figure that the Jump kit is relatively light by itself (it'd have to be), it does mean that Jack, in full kit, could be lighter than what you might expect based on looks alone.
  • Why didn't BT ever tell Cooper about the hilariously overpowered smart pistol in his SERE kit? Surely, there's got to be a way to pull it out without having to break down his AI or whatever the full procedure is? Think of how much easier their earlier fights could be! I mean, judging by how you never seem to run out of ammo for it, it doesn't even seem like this might've been an issue of not wanting to waste it - there's clearly more than enough...
    • Because if he had Cooper take out the Emergency Weapon and use it before, he wouldn't have had in for the emergency.
    • It's likely that it's only in a last stand scenario and if the AI is damaged since it's located in what amounts to the 'eye' of BT.
      • That doesn't address the point: why put your overpowered superweapon in a spot where it can only be reached in an emergency (not to mention the many scenarious in which a titan can get completely destroyed without the pilot being able to retrieve the SERE kit)? Why not just... give it to pilots?
      • They did. Then the pilot in question decided to put it in the SERE kit. It was Lastimosa's weapon, and you see him putting it into the kit right after the tutorial. Lastimosa apparently figured that he already had one overpowered weapon as it was (BT), so his other one best served him in an emergency capacity.
    • I suspect that the limitless ammo is a case of Story Gameplay Segregation. Realistically the pistol would have only had one, maybe two magazines to work with. It's a weapon meant to be used in a situation where BT was scrapped and Lastimosa was stranded, likely wounded, and desperate.
  • Why, after learning that Kane and Ash were dead, that Kane's radio was missing, and correctly assuming that Jack had been listening to them all along, did Blisk continue to communicate over a channel he correctly assumed had been compromised?
    • To screw with Cooper? I mean, his orders basically consist of 'you, go kill this fucker', not anything classified or all that important IIRC. Also, this is the guy who refused to kill Cooper and left him a business card after Cooper had slaughtered most of his team. His philosophy of 'if you can kill me, you're better' probably affected his decision-making: Cooper took it in a 'fair' fight, so Blisk doesn't really care if he listens in.
      • Anything you say over a radio is something your enemy can use against you (case in point, because Blisk didn't change comsec despite correctly assuming that Cooper was listening, Cooper knew that Richter was on the way with reinforcements). This is why in a modern military all communications are encrypted, classified or not. Also, Blisk refused to kill Cooper not out of any respect he may or may not have had for him, but because he'd fulfilled his contract and been paid, and as he himself said, "I don't work for free."
      • Maybe Blisk doesn't care? His whole character seems to be about martial competition, rather than operating a slick and professional PMC. It may not be best practice to allow enemies to listen to even relatively inconsequential communications, but he doesn't really seem to give a stuff about 'best practice'.
      • The Punch-Clock Villain who's Only in It for the Money doesn't care about giving his enemy an advantage and thus risking his paycheck? Also, continuing to allow Cooper to eavesdrop was not inconsequential. As has already been pointed out, because Blisk continued to communicate over a channel he knew was compromised, Cooper knew that Richter was on the way with reinforcements.
