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Headscratchers / The One and Only Ivan

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  • I'm confused about the ending of the film version. Why don't they show what happens to Mack? I know we're supposed to be happy that the animals get to go free... but I'm worried about Mack too. He is shown to be struggling to make a living with the mall, and the animals were basically the only things drawing in a crowd. Mack just doesn't show as much emotional turmoil about letting the animals go as I expected. Is the book's ending the same?
    • I have not read the book and only saw bits and parts of the film, but my understanding is that Mack is a lot less nice and more abusive owner in the book, therefore him losing his main income feels more karmic.
    • I on the other hand have not seen the movie but have read the book. Mack in the book fires the more sympathetic janitor, who says in Ivan's hearing that Mack will try to keep the mall going without animal attractions. The last scene with him is bittersweet, which fits with the general tone of the rest of the book - he stops by Ivan's enclosure, drunk, to tell Ivan they had good times, didn't they? It doesn't feel celebratory really. Mack clearly never understands that the terrible conditions he keeps the animals in are bad.
